Tuesday, December 30, 2008


So, we've been in FL for about 5 days now and I miss it terribly! It's been 70-80 degrees the entire time...I just want to stay here. Why not?

We went to Disney yesterday, it was absolutely ridiculously and disgustingly busy. No, not just busy, PACKED! The kids had a blast though, and we had fun too. I want to go back when it isn't so busy! Jake and I have been by ourselves...when we first got married, but I would like to take the kids during a different time of the year.

Anyway, we're enjoying our next couple days of FL weather...and not looking forward to going back up to MD! Ugh!

:-) Hope you all had a great Christmas! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Monday, December 22, 2008

So we're headed to Florida the day of Christmas - we'll be stopping in GA, to stay with Amy and John (Jake's sis and bro-in-law) for the night and then go on down to the Sunshine state!!! Ahhhh, I cannot wait to be back in the warm weather again! We really miss living there! It literally feels like 7 degrees here right now...ridiculous.

The girls don't know yet, but we are going to Disney World while we're down there. Halee is going to go crazy with all the princesses! I can't wait to post pictures. We'll be down in FL for a good week, hopefully we'll be able to defrost while we're down there. :-)

Sunday, December 14, 2008


I'm so excited for Christmas! We decorated our townhouse today, got our Christmas tree the Friday after Thanksgiving, finished our Christmas shopping yesterday--YAY!!! I just cannot wait. We have decided that one of our traditions will be to sleep down in the living room Christmas Eve, as a family - Jake actually suggested it! And I love it. Halee is really understanding what Christmas is about - which is such a joy! Today she found a picture of Jesus hugging someone and ran to us, telling us all about it!

One thing that really upsets me though is the "Christian" radio station in our area. It's really pathetic and Jake and I would almost rather listen to a secular station or only our 1 Christmas CD because of it. I was running to Lowe's with Halee today and we are listening to this particular station, we were singing to the music and just enjoying the Christmas spirit. But then these idiots started talking...and ADULTS, yes adults, were saying that they were so thankful for the real reason for the season which was "all the turkey, food, friends, and family...", "that we can celebrate the religious reason, not just santa...", "giving to others..." UGH!!! Not one word about Jesus Christ, OUR SAVIOR, being born - nothing, nada...I immediately called Jake because I was so upset. It's absolutely ridiculous, those things are great but the REAL reason is Christ's miraculous birth!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Some people may be a little taken back by my previous post, others may think they are better than me, and many may just shake their head in shock or disgust. That's fine. But I hope you will read and share my joy at the things that I have been through. I am confident that my God loves me unconditionally, no matter what people think. I am also thankful that God used tough times in my life to strength and grow me.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

July 6, 2001 (Out of a journal entry from 2001)

Last night I went over to Missy's (well she's house-sitting), and a bunch of people were there! It was so fun. I drank for the first time, I mean I've tried it before, but just a taste...definitely haven't ever gotten drunk. I mean, my parents don't drink, so I've never been exposed to alcohol and I've been taught that I shouldn't. But seriously they also won't take me seriously, they won't even let me going to BBC to play soccer. You would think they would want me to go to a good Christian college - whatever. So last night, I got so drunk -it felt good to do whatever I wanted- it was so fun, although this morning I didn't feel so hot. And I lost my virginity...ugh! Serves my parents right. They are so strict and ridiculous. If they gave me some slack maybe I wouldn't have to act out so much. I hope I never treat my kids like this! So all in all, I had a great birthday! 18 BABY!!! I think I'm going to move out of my parents house. I mean what's the use of being there anyway. All they do is give me rules, that are absolutely ridiculous! Whatever, I'm 18 - I can do what I want.

July 6, 2001 (Looking back from where I am now)
So, I made the biggest choice of my life last night. It was my birthday, I turned 18! Missy was house-sitting so a bunch of us went over and had a party. I had never really drank alcohol before, except a taste here and there, but I got wasted. I did a couple things I regret, including losing my virginity. Yeah...wasn't the best choice of my life. At all. Ugh, on top of that, I felt awful this morning. But I'm at the lowest point of my life right now, so I am just going to keep getting lower, until I realize that I really need to find my relationship with God again. This night changed the rest of my life forever.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I'm starting today...I mean, my life is so complicated but yet so simple. I am very busy - finishing up 2 courses through the local community college, working 20 hours a week at Sbux, taking care of 3 small children, taking care of (I mean spending time with) my husband, cleaning, laundry...etc but I have, more than ever before, the desire to write. I would say that I'm not even a very good "writer". But I really don't care, I want to share my life, my story, my love to the world. So, I'm starting today. I've just been inspired...thank you.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Election Prayer

*got this from Jamie's website-pretty powerful! it was from john eldredge's e-mail chain.

Friends, my hunch is you already have been, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t ask you to be praying about next week’s elections. I think the prayer is simple, really: That God would constrain his people by his Spirit in them to do what is right. This is a good prayer because so many other things can motivate us, like fear, or the power of the advertising, all that gets thrown at us as an election approaches. Emotions are high, but I’m not sure clear thinking is. I wish I had the confidence that God’s people would not be phased by any of it, but we are human and sometimes we are swayed by things other than the Spirit of God. So that’s the prayer for this weekend, that God’s people would be moved by his Spirit and nothing else.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Daddy and Halee Conversation

So I'd like to preface this by saying that all 5 of us are in the car driving back from Costco. Jake loves to have the windows down as often as possible and tonight was so beautiful, so they were open. Kiki was lovin' it and smiling and laughing...but Halee was trying to talk to Jett and keep him happy. Jake and I are up talkin' and here it begins:

Halee: Please roll up the window!!
Mommy: What Halee? (wind was loud as we're driving)
Mommy: (laughs and repeats to Daddy)
Daddy: Oh suck it up (laughing)
Halee: No, you suck it up Daddy (smiling so big)

HAHAHAHAHA! Jake and her always fight about having the windows down because the wind is so loud and Halee likes to talk in the car...when the windows are down (on few occasions) it just doesn't happen. Anyway, we got a kick out of it and thought you too!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The kiddos

My baby girls are growing up. I mean, I'm sure everyone that has kids says that...but it's just so sweet to see them changing. Karis, 21 months, has such a sweet spirit. When you ask her to come give you a kiss she giggles and runs away, but we have found her soft spot...we give her the poochy lip and sniff like she hurt our feelings and she comes RUNNING over to make us feel better with a great big kiss and squeeze around our neck. SO SO CUTE! She absolutely is in love with her Daddy, and Daddy sure does love that, especialy since Halee is Mommy's girl. Halee, 3 yrs, is just hilarious. She is my little helper...the 2nd mom in our family. "Daddy, you have to finish your work before you can watch TV", "Don't tell me 'dont' momma", "MOMMY, Kiki turned on the TV", "But Daddy said I could...". And they both adore their little brother...they fight about who gets to kiss Jett, and feed Jett, and give Jett his pacifer. Some days the two of them absolutely can't get enough of eachother and I barely see them because they are back in their play area playing house or pushing their walmart cart. Other days...oh my goodess...they are worst enemies. I feel like I shouldn't even have them in the same room, no the same level of our 3 level townhouse, because they hit, bite, pull hair, take eachothers toys.

Jett is my...well...right now he's my "non-sleeper". And me, I love to sleep. He gets it from Jake, Jake can stay up forever...I don't know how he can lay in bed and NOT go to sleep. As soon as I hit the pillow - I'M OUT. So Jett will nap for 30 min and wake up. Then be up for 3 hours and repeat. I'm trying to get him to take a nice afternoon nap bc that's what the girls and I are used to. Not happening right now. He's already 15 lbs of pure boy! He is lovin' life - smiling and coo-ing all the time. Definitely a momma's boy thankfully!

I'm so thankful for my family. All 5 of us are so blessed!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Ok, so I'm going public...I desperately want to write a book. I have a couple key issues that I would really love to address but I'm not sure I have the time or patience to sit down and start. And once I do get up the nerve to start, how do I start, what do I say?
Oh! I'm so excited, yet so, frustrated. This has been on my mind for about a year now and I haven't done a thing. I never thought I would write, seriously write. I mean, I love to talk...so I guess they could possibly go together? Maybe not. I feel as though writing is so different, I need to be gramatically correct and all that. I always enjoyed English class but still...it's different.
This book would completely pour my entire heart and life out...I would open myself up to be vulnerable to anyone that read it. People would probably think differently of me, my parents might be upset with me, my family and friends would definitely be surprised.
Oh, it's so wonderful to have Jake supporting me. He thinks it would be a huge burden off of me to write this book, but I'm just not sure I have the guts. Anyone ever write a book?

Friday, October 3, 2008

Couple quick pictures!

Momma and Jett
Halee and Mommy doing the "kissy" face!!
Our sweet baby boy - Jett!
Silly, crazy Kiki (Karis)
My hotty hubby!

Psalm 13

I was in a hole, a deep hole...for about 2 years. During these times I wondered "God, where are You? What are You doing?". I hurt, I cried, I prayed. And sometimes I got mad and I didn't pray. Praise God, I am coming out of that hole. It's a process. But I'm so thankful for the Psalms during this process, Psalm 13 especially:

"O Lord, how long will you forget me? Forever! How long will you look the other way? How long must I struggle with anguish in my soul, with sorrow in my heart every day..."

"...But I trust in your unfailing love, I will rejoice because You have rescued me. I will sing to the Lord because He has been so good to me."

How encouraging that David felt the same way!